The Biggest Dental Myths Busted
Dental issues left untreated can have profound health implications, and regular dental visits can help mitigate your risk of developing severe problems with your teeth, mouth, and gums.
With so much information available, it is essential to discern between truth and myth regarding your oral health. Techniques and new developments happen daily in healthcare, and the data occasionally gets crossed or becomes outdated. Working with a dentist who continually expands their skillset and attends continuing education courses to stay up to date will be able to offer you the best possible care.
Professional oral care is essential to maintaining oral health, and in this article, we will outline some dental myths to help clear up common misconceptions.
Most Common Dental Myths
Unfortunately, these dental myths are why many people have oral health issues. Let’s distinguish between the myth and the truth of oral health care.
Myth #1. Bleeding Gums Are Normal
Truth – Bleeding gums are not normal. If your gums are bleeding during flossing or brushing, it’s due to inflammation of the gums. Periodontitis can also lead to loss of teeth and tooth mobility. If you are experiencing bleeding gums, it is time to contact your dentist for an exam.
Myth #2. Only Sugar Causes Cavities
Truth – Sugar is not the problem. The bacteria that eat sugar are the real problem. Any sticky food will feed the bacteria causing them to thrive. Rinsing and brushing your teeth after meals is beneficial and can help to reduce plaque and acid buildup.
Myth #3. There Really Is No Reason To Floss
Truth – Flossing is an essential part of oral health. It removes 80% of plaque and is critical in the fight against tooth decay, and you will improve your oral health by incorporating a daily flossing regimen.
Myth #4. Brushing Your Teeth Harder Makes Them Cleaner
Truth – Brushing Too Hard Can Be Harmful. Brushing your teeth gently twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush is best while brushing too hard can cause damage to your tooth enamel and gum tissue, possibly leading to future problems like gum recession.
Myth #5. Chewing Gum Will Clean Your Teeth
Truth – No, chewing gum does not replace brushing your teeth. While certain gums may help promote better breath and cleaner teeth, they do not substitute using a toothbrush to clean your teeth.
Myth #6. There Is No Reason To Brush Baby Teeth
Truth – Brushing baby teeth regularly is necessary; even baby teeth can develop cavities and tooth decay. Establishing good teeth brushing habits early in life is essential. Poor oral health habits that begin early in life can lead to lifelong issues and tooth decay complications that continue into adulthood.
Myth #7. White Teeth Equals Health Teeth
Truth – The color of the teeth does not always indicate health. White teeth can be healthy; however, just because your teeth are yellow doesn’t mean they are unhealthy. Teeth can get discolored through damage or staining and lose their natural luster. If you are whitening your teeth, it may make them pearly white; however, it can leave underlying issues that cause discoloration untreated. The best way to get the perfect smile is to work with an expert cosmetic dentist who has experience in teeth whitening.
Myth #8. Using Charcoal Toothpaste Is the Best
Truth – In reality, charcoal toothpaste is counterproductive. It removes protective agents intended to keep teeth strong and healthy. Charcoal toothpaste also offers little protection for teeth, and the risk outweighs any possible benefits.
Myth #9. Gum Disease Only Affects Your Mouth
Truth – Bacteria that cause gum disease can spread throughout your body. Gum disease is related to several health concerns, including heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. It is critical to discuss these symptoms with your dentist.
Myth #10. Loss Of Enamel Causes Sensitivity
Truth – Tooth sensitivity has many causes. While enamel loss can cause tooth sensitivity, the other reasons include tooth grinding, abrasive toothpaste, and other factors. This is one of the common myths about dental fillings that can lead to misunderstandings about tooth health.
Myth #11. You Do Not Need To Go To The Dentist If You Have No Oral Health Issues
Truth – Regular appointments with your dentist are the best way to avoid oral health problems. Your dentist may be able to spot dental issues sooner before it gets to the point of being painful. Prolonged dental problems are harder to treat, and you risk developing other related medical conditions. Being proactive by taking care of and monitoring the health of your teeth will ensure that you are healthier overall with an exceptional smile.
Get Exceptional And Compassionate Care With Carrie Muzny DDS
Our team at Carrie Muzny DDS regularly attends continuing education courses to ensure every team member provides our clients with the best possible care in the beautiful state of Texas.
We offer our patients the highest quality service in restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, preventive oral health care, and state-of-the-art technology to help give you the smile of your dreams. Contact us today to make an appointment; you can also book a virtual appointment.